SKR1.4 and TFT 35 - using long file names and print from SKR SD card

This is a bit of a diversion from the rest of the blog, but it's relevant as it's on the same path. I felt it might be helpful to post this as I'd tried, unsuccesfully, to find a definitive answer elsewhere so got there by trial and error. 

If you have an SKR 1.4 mainboard coupled to a BTT TFT35 (NB I suspect that this will also be relevant to other combinations of MB and TFT) and want to

  • Enable long filename support
  • Add the MB SD card as a print source

This is what I had to do to get this working.

There are two areas which need to be changed 

  • CONFIG.INI on the TFT
  • CONFIGURATION_ADV.H on the Marlin (2.X) build
This solution is based around my configuration but is likely to be more generic, I think. I am running
  • SKR 1.4 Turbo - Marlin
  • BTT TFT35 V3.0.26

Change Marlin Firmware

You will need to create a new build, with the following changes in the configuration_adv.h file.

First, you need to enable the onboard SD card as

Then, to enable the long filenames change: 
Remove the leading "//" on the highlighted lines to uncomment as

You can then compile a new version of the firmware and this will resolve the problem

Change config.ini

The TFT screen has the ability to upload changed configurations from a simple ini file. Take your current (or the default one from the BTT github repository) and edit two settings.

Importantly: the two lines which I had to edit have comments to suggest that it shouldn't be necessary. The default setting sets the parameters to automatic detection when used with Marlin. It may well be that I have missed another setting in order to make the automatic setting work. Please comment if you know the answer to this. Equally - it could well be a bug. 

Find the two entries below and change the option of 2 (automatic) to 1 (explicitly enabled)

Copy the modified to an SD card, insert it into the TFT and reboot. The TFT will read the new config on the next boot. 

I hope that this helps someone. From my own investigations, I know that both are FAQs. 


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