Convert to discrete stepper drivers on Z axis

The SKR 1.4 Turbo main board I'm using has space for five stepper drivers. Typically these are used for X, Y and Z axes and the option for two extruders. As my build has only a single extruder, this meant that the fifth slot was free. As there was facility to use it and it does permit the configuration of auto Z levelling, it seemed sensible to carry out the upgrade.

In doing this, it actually turned out to be quite simple. The steps were

  • Install new 2209 stepper driver
  • Move Z2 motor to E1 slot
  • Recompile Marlin firmware with new settings
  • Test and run Z levelling
To install the stepper driver, it was necessary to remove the diag pin as I'm not currently using stall detection on the motors (and it's not really advised on the Z motors anyway). Once the pin was removed, it was just a case of plugging in the driver to the SKR board and moving the Z2 motor connection from the Z2 slot, to the spare E1 one. 

Once the hardware changes had been made, it was necessary to let Marlin know about it. This needed only a few changes to be made. Importantly, it isn't necessary to tell Marlin which connection the second Z motor is moved to. It works this out for itself. For the changes:

The first were in configuration_adv.h 

First is to change the number of Z steppers from 1 to 2

Secondly, we need to enable the Z stepper auto align function 
Then finally, we need to make a single change to tell Marlin that the Z2 Driver is using 

After this, the new firmware was uploaded to the SKR and everything seemed to go well. 

Next came the testing. 

First I ran an M422 command which extracts the probe points which will be used for the auto levelling. This gave

M422 S1 X2.00 Y150.00
M422 S2 X298.00 Y150.00

Which seemed perfectly reasonable. 

So, next was the moment of truth which was to run the auto-levelling. I ran a G34 and the printer went off merrily running its levelling. Everything worked as expected and (and I accept that this may be confirmation bias) the Z moves straight afterwards did sound smoother. 

The only slight wrinkle was that the firmware upgrade had cleared the EEPROM of all of its data. However, I had taken a copy of the M501 before starting and could simply reload this and then re-run an ABL cycle to recreate those data too. 


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