Imminent release: Storage trays are finished

Well, after some ado I have finally completed my storage tray solution. It's in numerous parts in order to remove the significant number of supports it would have needed and the parts just slot together. The whole thing then screws into the frame slots. 

It also includes clips for the display ribbon cables. 

These parts...

Slot together like this.

To be installed like this

To do this

I plan to make this available for download soon. 

In other news: I have had another delivery from AliExpress as

Which is an automatic case cooling kit. It has a built-in thermistor and will take 24V in and be used for the case for my SKR main board. This means that the fan will only come on when it's needed - part of my silencing scheme. I'll probably replace the fan with a Noctua to help further. 


  1. Looking forward to get those files ! :D

  2. Ah, I have hit a slight snag there (which I discuss in yesterday's update). I'm very happy with the design now and was on the cusp of releasing it, but when I printed the second set (they're designed to sit alongside each other) the tolerances were too tight and they wouldn't quite fit.

    So, I need to tweak the sizes just a very little so that they will fit as a pair.

    1. Oh okay, that will be a nice print for me to add to my A8+ ! Really handy to organize stuff on the desk !

    2. Well, I've finally managed to complete the release of these. Please see my post at

      I hope you find them useful.


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