Update: proof of concept

Today, I have been working on the mounts for the X and Z axis cable chains. I printed prototypes of each and tested their fit. I then installed some test chain into each to check alignment and fit. 

The central mount which consolidates the two axes is by far the more complex of the two. The fit wasn't quite there yet (as you can see in the photo) in terms of the alignment with the stepper mount, but the size and alignment of the chain mounts seems to be spot on. So, I can now take this prototype, tweak the measurements and then print a new candidate. In fact, what I will do is print a template alignment section of the model, cutting out all of the element except for the critical points. This means that I can print the template quickly and lay it over the motor in situ. This will significantly speed up the process. 

The carriage mount prototype was more successful. It seems to have fitted perfectly first time. It is in two parts to allow easy assembly and to allow the extruder to be removed when required. First the mounting plate fits to the carriage mount as can be seen in the picture above.

Next, the bracket itself slots into the mount and is held in place with two M3 screws. This sits above the stepper, with sufficient clearance for the cabling.

Once the two parts were installed, it was possible to connect a test length of chain between the two.

This seemed to work very well. The chain is a little loose in this photo as the removable caps are not yet fitted. These add a lot of rigidity to the chain. 

The same test chain was then applied to the Z axis connection as

This also seems to work well. There is slightly too little clearance between the mount and the chain but this will be resolved with the new measurements I've taken of the mount. 

In summary, the exercise seems to have been very successful. I just need to tweak the motor mount a little and that should have the X axis complete. I then just need to design a mount for the base of the Z axis, but this should be very simple in comparison. 


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