Mounts for smoothed reprap style limit switches

With the installation of the new SKR main board, the original bare microswitches weren't going to work. So, I needed a way to mount standard reprap style smoothed switches. It was clear where they had to go, but finding space and a means to activate them took a few attempts. The solution I came up with has now been working very successfully for a while now. 

This is the standard format limit switch which I have used. 

I have created a mount for each of the X, Y and Z axes.

  • Each mount is adjustable
  • Each mount includes integrated cable management for tidiness and strain relief

The X axis mount actually clamps directly to the X axis rails and can be slid along. As the friction is much higher than the switch pressure, it provides a very simple adjustment mechanism. 

The Z axis mount clamps to the left Z axis rail and it held in place on the nearby extrusion. It's essentially in nearly the same place as the original microswitch and is adjustable on the extrusion is exactly the same way. 

By contrast, the Y axis mount (which proved to be the most difficult to create) sits on the other side of the Y stepper to the original and is a cantilever mount to the rear extrusion. As with the others, it is adjustable. The difference with the Y axis mount is that it requires a custom actuator. As I have already created a custom belt clamp for the Y axis, it was simple to modfiy this to incorporate the required actuator. 

This clamps the belt in the same way but has an arm which activates the limit switch. 

Each of these has now been in use for some weeks and are working flawlessly. 

The models for these are available for download at Cults3D

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  1. Excellent content. I am in process of building this printer now and I will be using your blog as a checklist as I begin upgrades. Thanks for sharing all of this!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So this means that I need this smoothed switch for skr v1.4 turbo conversion. But I think I have read somewhere that you could just switch the switches' terminal to get the barebones switch to work on this board. Can you clarify on this. Thanks.


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