Update: delayed but not forgotten
Those of you following this blog will have noticed that I've gone a little quiet for a while. This is due to a combination of factors. First, I am very busy with work at present and, secondly, I have a backlog of things which I need to print for jobs around the house. I can't print with the printer at the same time as rebuilding it. To give an update on progress: I still need to rejig the X-axis cable chains to rotate them by 90° The fanless PSU seems to be working very well indeed and makes a huge difference to the noise of the printer The foam insulation on the base of the HBP also seems to help a lot and works far better than I'd expected. Heat up time is improved significantly and excess cooling between prints is also reduced. I have a set of Z axis pull-rods to install for extra rigidity but these need to be modded to fit the 350mm Z height. I also really want to move to the latest version of Marlin to address a few annoying niggles which I know are present in 2.0.5....