Update: a re-design, reducing heat escape and a weird problem

I haven't updated for a few days as I've been busy with other things. However, I've not been ignoring the problem completely. My next priority is to redesign the orientation of the X-axis cable chain as I described in my last post. Clearly I should have done it that way initially and I'm now kicking myself for deciding against it and going with the seemingly more simple path that I did. Having said that, it shouldn't be too arduous to redesign it and replace the parts. I just need to find a little time. As part of my ongoing testing, the printer developed a very weird problem. Ironically, I had just completed a very good tuning of bed level and managed to print a very good example of the test print I designed. The very next day I tried to print another quite wide print and the right-hand side of the print just disappeared, almost as if the bed level had risen sharply on that side. I rechecked the level numerous times and everything seemed OK. I decided that the ne...